5 habits that got me through 2020
2020 was a really thought year. We all had to manage the fast-changing situations day by day which this crazy year threw at us. Most of us had to restructure the days from scratch to get things done.
I was really happy that I already had established some daily and weekly routines before and developed some new ones during the pandemic.
Here are my top 5 habits that helped me a lot during those hard times.
1. Morning Yoga
I get up, grab a cup of coffee, and roll out my mat, to practice some yoga. Practicing yoga is a good way to start your day. It wakes you up, stretches your whole body, and brightens up your mood. Already practicing it for 5 minutes makes a big difference.
The duration of my practice varies day by day, depending on my daily schedule.
2. Not consuming the news
You won’t find happiness in the newspaper or news shows on TV or radio, so I completely unplugged from all the news sources. Because those articles and shows will never tell you the good stuff that happens on our earth. Only dramatic headlines catch our attention, and the producers know this. You can’t change most of them to good ones. So why consuming them?
This just takes your time and sets you in a bad mood.
If there is something going on in your near surrounding, where you could assist to make a difference, you will be definitely get informed by friends, family, or social media.
I only check on a weekly basis the news concerning my life situation. Like the COVID regulation of my country.
This habit really helps your mental health.
3. Reading more books
I set myself a goal of reading 15 books this year and I surpassed it by 6. This was possible due to the fact I started also listening to audiobooks. Because I am a really slow reader and I get very tired when reading, listening to books helped me a lot-
So I take my time to sit still for 30–60 minutes a day to listen or read a book.
If you want to try audiobooks, don’t make the mistake to do other things while listening.
4. Daily Workouts with friends
Establishing a workout routine is not an easy exercise. So I started with 4 friends of mine a daily workout challenge. Every week, one of us assembles a workout plan for the week and send it to the group chat.
To prove that everyone has done the exercise, we sent a picture to the chat. If one skips a workout, he or she has to spend a round of Beer when we allowed to meet up again. We are also doing one workout per week “together” via video chat.
This really helps a lot because you want to keep up with the others and you will have to spend a little bit if you miss out on one.
5. Daily run, walk or hike
Home workouts are great to keep you fit during a lockdown, but sitting in your flat the whole time will make you sick. So I set myself the daily task to get outside. In form of a run, walk, or hike. Breathing in the fresh air and observing nature helps to approve your physical and mental health.
What are your daily habits during the lockdown?